Tuesday 8 December 2009

Sponsorship Sequence Example One

The first advertisement we analysed was from Scottish television. The short advertisement sponsors a programme called "Highlands." The sponsor is "The Peoples Postcode Lottery," it lasts around 5 seconds which highlights the point of the sequence being very quick and to the point.

**VIDEO PROVIDED BY http://www.stvsales.tv/ **

The voice over used is of a well spoken middle aged women, this may have been chosen for a number of reasons. For example, the target audience of the programme may be of a female origin, and therefore using a female voice in the voice over will be effective as it is of the same gender as the target audience.

The music is very peaceful and relaxing in this video, it sets up the scene of a tranquil setting with wildlife and beautiful surroundings. The voice over clearly states of who the sponsor is and what programme they are sponsoring, in this case it the programme called "Highlands." The sponsor for this advert "The peoples postcode lottery." The content of the sponsorship advert is very clearly stated, and doesn't use puns or any other technique sometimes seen in your standard advert. Sponsorship adverts don't really need to use these techniques, standard adverts are tying to sell a certain product. On the other hand, sponsorship adverts aim is to simply to tel the audience who sponsors the programme and a reminder of their product.

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