Saturday 20 February 2010

Wednesday 10 February 2010

This is our story board of our sponsorship ad.
Sponsor ads are known to only be a few seconds long and are in order to deliver the message quickly, they are much shorter than your average advert but still get the point across.

We decided on having a zooming shot on a still image similar to the ones used in our adverts, this will link them directly in with our final outcomes. And the viewer will relate the sponsorship advertisement to our sponsorship ad.
The edit used will be a zoom to black out, as this would have usually cut straight to another advert.

The music used again was very simplistic and has no lyrics so therefore the voice over is clearer to understand.
Kettle & Co are trying to promote there products by supporting a programme of some relevance, for example 'Hollydale' our improvised soap opera.